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Health Services

24-25 Covid Guidance (click here)


Student Health Services

The Seymour School District nursing staff provides direct health care to our students, provides screenings and referrals for various health conditions and promotes a healthy school environment to ensure that our students are academically successful.

The following health services are provided to our students:

Health assessment for any injury or illness along with any necessary care is provided. If a child is dismissed because of an illness or injury, the parent must provide transportation unless it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Medication administration as needed during the school day.

A doctor’s order is needed for any medication to be administered at school, including both prescription and over the counter medication.

Vision Screening for: Grades 1, 3, 4, and 5

Hearing Screening for: Grades 1, 3, 4, and 5

Scoliosis Screening for: Grades 5, 7, (girls) and 8 or 9 (boys)

Exclusion for Communicable diseases along with exclusion for vomiting, diarrhea, and fevers can be found on the district website at, online policy manual, policy #5141.22.

Students with Life Threatening Food Allergies

Each student with a life threatening food allergy will have an Individualized Health Care Plan developed by the school nurse. Parents whose children have life threatening food allergies must provide the school with notification of the severe allergy and request that the school and parents meet to develop the appropriate Individualized Health Care Plan. More details on the Food Allergy Policy on the district website at, online policy manual, policy #5141.25.

Tuberculosis Policy: TB screening will be required as determined by the child’s physician. Students who enter the Seymour School system from outside the United States will be required to have a new tuberculin test and the results reported prior to entry into Seymour Public Schools. Parents of students who travel outside of the United States need to contact their school nurse for further TB guidelines.

Incoming Kindergarten students: Connecticut Education Law requires all school children to have a health examination prior to entry into kindergarten. All incoming students must also be adequately immunized. Currently the following immunizations are required:

DTaP - at least 4 doses. The last dose must be on or after the 4th birthday.

Polio - at least 3 doses. The last dose must be given on or after the 4th birthday.

MMR - 2 doses separated by at least 28 days, 1st dose on or after the 1st birthday..

Hib - 1 dose on or after the 1st birthday for children less than 5 years old.

Hep B - 3 doses last dose on or after 24 weeks of age.

Varicella - 2 doses separated by at least 3months- 1st dose on or after the 1st birthday; or verification of disease.

Pneumococcal - 1 dose on or after the 1st birthday for children less than 5 years old.

Hepatitis A - 2 doses given six calendar months apart, 1st dose on or after 1st birthday.


School Nurse Contact Information


Bungay School

203- 881-7500 ext 1309


Chatfield -LoPresti School

203-888-4640 ext 1472


Seymour High School

203-888-2561 ext 1001


Seymour Middle School

203-888-4513 ext 1209



Rebecca Bennett

Rebecca Bennett

Titles: Nurse
Locations: Bungay Elementary
Samantha Miles-Rigoli

Samantha Miles-Rigoli

Titles: Nurse
Locations: Seymour High School
Jarely Rodriques

Jarely Rodriques

Titles: Medical Technician
Locations: Chatfield Lo-Presti
Kristina Sanzo

Kristina Sanzo

Titles: Nurse
Locations: Chatfield Lo-Presti
Melissa Stewart

Melissa Stewart

Titles: Nurse
Locations: Seymour Middle School